A new narrative is arriving as the script writer
Hermes cast another of his epic dramas. The curtain goes up on;
The New Moon on the April 22nd falls on
the Moon’s exaltation degree 03° Taurus.
This degree
is known as ‘The Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow’ and has an association
with the NYSM.
Venus the
lord of Taurus the Bull on April 30th will reach her outermost
extreme as observed from earth. Venus will be at the northern extreme ecliptic
4°:48´N latitude, north 27° 44´declination (outer bounds) and at a magnitude of
-4.5, having reached her greatest elongation east of the Sun on March 28th. The
Lady of the ‘Night’ is now entering into her ‘Alchemical’ Zone, change is
All eyes now will be focusing on Venus; Aphrodite
is entering her 42 day retrograde station (40days & 40 nights) where Ishtar
Goddess of the East undergoes her transformation from an evening star to a
morning star known by the Greeks as ‘Phosphorus
the Light bearer’.
Aphrodite is withdrawing as her apparent speed slows
by half as she reaches her heliocentric node 16°Gemini, and on May 13th
the lady will ‘Station retrograde’ at
21° Gemini.
On May 23rd 2020, one hour after the
Sun sets on the east coast of the United States the splendour of the waxing crescent
Moon engulfs the Lady and trickster aka Hermes sealing the chamber. On June 4th
retrograde Venus encounters the solar disc ‘Ra’; inferior solar conjunction,
this Sun Venus conjunction occurs once in every synodic cycle of the planet
584 days, Venus will also pass her perigee point, and this is when she is
closest to the Earth.
The RX Station by the Lady of the night will have
a direct effect on the US as the Sibley US natal chart has Mars 21°Gemini located
on the western pivot (Descendant). This US mundane Sibley chart RX station
conjunction of Love & Strife, (Venus/Mars) will also draw into the
illuminating chamber the US President, Mr. Trump as he has his natal
Sagittarius Lunar eclipsed Moon at 21° Sagittarius and Sun at 22° Gemini.
The key to this Venus RX Stations is 8years, for
What were you doing in May 8years ago and the
sequence goes retrograde; 2012, 2004, 1996. The clue lies with the trickster
Mercury AKA Hermes.
Wait there’s so much more to this theatre of the
Heavens above; On May 5th Mercury has a superior solar conjunction with Ra.
occurs once in every synodic cycle of the planet (116 days), and this marks
the end of Mercury's morning appearance as Hermes also enters the ‘Alchemical
chamber’ and as such transitions to an evening star over the coming weeks. Mercury
will be at its apogee, most distant from the Earth – at around the same time.
While all this ‘Shifting’ and hiding of planetary Sect
is happening another major change is also occurring in the skies above on May 5th
at 01:45:15 hrs EDT, Washington DC, the same day as Mercury encounters the Sun the
Nodes of the Moon, also known as the trickster’s of the Gods, Rahu É and
Ketu Ê
recede from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius in doing so relinquishing
the Moon/ Saturn ownership to Mercury/Jupiter.
Coupled with all this theatre is the June 21st
Saros 137, 4 North Annular ‘Outer Bounds’ Solar eclipse on the northern Solstice
tropic of Cancer. Oh did I mention on April 26th Pluto Stations retrogrades
followed by Saturn on May 11th and May 15th Jupiter
Station retrograde and on June 23rd Neptune Stations retrograde. So
folks if you’re confused and left feeling like a rerun of the same show, well
yes time will feel like its ‘Groundhog day’.
All rights reserved
Gregory Clare