Wednesday, October 7, 2020

An intriguing puzzle awaits???

 In the coming weeks and month-s, all indications are showing in all astrological significant USA charts of an ‘Event’ encircling the signs Taurus/Scorpio and Gemini and involving the planet Uranus and Moon.















 We can understand how Uranus works to some degree –Unexpected ‘Change’, sudden change in Fortune (the Good-Bad and Ugly). 



The Moon first and foremost archetypal is an indication of the Queen-‘Women’ Feminine issues. Additionally Venus is also attracting attention with multiple aspects to the charts in question??? Mundane archetype for the Moon is ‘Crowds’ large gathering and of course the weather.



So the speculative prognostication question is – How and what awaits, I’m intrigued by the

continuous aspects –Moon/ Uranus in all respective USA charts and those who are involved with the upcoming Presidential election. Furthermore the upcoming Lunation’s, New Moon and Full Moon October and November carry the theme. These aspects are carried through the Lunar eclipse November 30, and Solar December 14th.


We may get a hint of what awaits when Mercury the Town Crier- "Oyez" "hear ye!! Shouts albeit silently from the depth of the underground come October 14.


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Gregory Clare