The ingress of the Sun into the constellation of the Goat
Horned One on December 21st is where light begins to emerge from the
darkness. It’s the Time where we a given a glimpse of what we are searching
for. Our ignorance or failure to notice is for a brief moment shown the Light,
awaken from your slumber. The War against sleep takes its first breath, slowly
ever so slowly we begin to arouse.
Around the Globe each nation will now be answerable to this Ingress
chart in their given location. Since October 2012 the Cosmic Stella patterns of
the continuum of planetary cycles have been advancing with complicated arrangement.
A lingering Yod between father and sons, Saturn – Pluto, and
Jupiter has been holding court for some time. This is not a usual or casual
meeting, in fact quite infrequent and with Jupiter retrograding and almost
stationary has kept a slower moving Pluto and Saturn within its mist.
Ever since the November Solar and Lunar eclipses things have
gotten more intricate with Mars co-joining
Pluto. Then we have what may be referred to as a malefic enclosure of Saturn-Node/Venus
/ Sun /Mercury/Pluto –Mars, with the Moon translating
the respiratory between the enclosure. Mercury has been moving ever so slowly at the same
time having stationed at 4 degrees of the Archer Sagittarius, where he
finds it uneasy to contribute to reason and apposing at the apex is Jupiter,
who is also acting indifferent to he’s nature.
This is coupled with Mercury in a prolonged square to Chiron
and Neptune and with Uranus in the Aries the Ram also at a standstill the
prospect of finding an understanding with each other will be arduous to say the
least. This ongoing apparent challenging Time is at its best supposed to
highlight our shortcoming as Humans, which is to show us a picture that we are
not are custom to.
This Ingress or cardinal marker will unfold differently for
the individual nation and how they respond will also depend on their national
As we move into 2013, which is expressed numerologically as
a 6 world year and described astrologically by a correspondence to Venus
we will encounter many more of these very problematical planetary patterns.
Shortly I will highlight some of the Good Bad and ugly we may stumble upon.
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