Sagittarius New Moon December 3,
2013, Beijing, China.
In 2012, at UAC (United Astrology
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana) I presented a new Time (chart: October 1,
1949) for China, which details were kindly published in the December 2012/13 edition of TMA (The Mountain
Astrologer). Commenting on this chart from a Mundane astrological view follows;
China’s ruling Communist Party
held its Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee on November 9-12 ,
2013,in Beijing. The Third Chinese Plenary Session was opened by the newly
elected Chinese leader President Xi Jinping. (China's new Premier is Li Keqiang)
The first CPC Central Committee Plenary Session was held
on December 11, 1978 two years after Mao's death. This was seen as an
Opening-Up of China. These Sessions generally focus on economics, however this
conference also focused on many other social issues which was very exceptional
considering China's past development and governmental structure!
From an astrological prospective
the planetary correlations' are very interesting!! Making use of the new chart
( Li Zhisui) it appears that Saturn is making its presence known. Using the
whole sign house system, Saturn is transiting through China's first house,
although it will not cross the Ascendant until November 2014. However it will
Station (23° 19' Scorpio) retrograde extremely close to the new rising Time
(24° 47' Scorpio) on March 1, 2014. Saturn's position in the December 2013, new
moon lunation chart is 17°21' Scorpio and making a direct partile square to
natal Pluto/Mars (Leo) in the 10th Mundane whole sign house. The 10th house
Pluto/Mars natal aspect in the fixed sign of Leo can be seen as a Forced-Control
and at times brutal ruling Power.
The sign (Image, Lion) Leo is
ruled by the Sun, which in China's natal chart is in the Mundane 12th house in
the sign of Libra @ 07°34'. This natal Sun (Leader) has been undergoing a
transformation, as transiting Uranus (Aries 8°) is making several pass's
directly opposing this natal position.
The new chart as mentioned places
the Sun in the 12th, which makes sense when we consider the past history of
Chinas' first leader Mao Tse-Tung. This current Uranus/Sun oppositions should
arouse the inner or core subconscious to promote a revolution thought process.
Furthermore when we take the chart as a whole transiting Jupiter (Cancer) is
moving through the natal 9th house and is directly opposing natal Jupiter
(Capricorn) in the 3rd mundane house. Jupiter rules the natal 2nd and also
co/rules (Neptune/Jupiter-Pisces) the natal 5th house.
So philosophical and factual
thoughts directed towards new and innovative reform of the old structures,
which includes the 5th house affairs (Children, birth rate, school system and
education in general) can be assumed to make the headlines. Announced at the Third Plenary Session is,
China will loosen its decades old one-child population policy, allowing couples
to have two children if one of them is an only child.
The latest or current headlines
spell this out further, with natal Uranus (Cancer) placed in the natal 9th
house and transiting Uranus moving through the natal 6th (Mundane; defence,
armed forces, civil service) house. China's defence ministry announced recently
a new "East China Sea Air Defence Identification Zone" that covers
the airspace of uninhabited islands. These Island's called Diaoyu by the
Chinese and Senkaku by the Japanese are at the centre in the dispute with Japan.
Many more correlation can be sighted from the coming new Moon lunation and as
mentioned it will be very interesting to observe the way in which the new
leadership deals with the many issues pending China's fate.
Gregory Clare ©
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