Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jupiter enters the Virgin Virgo

Jupiter in Virgo - Jupiter's time in the image of Lion/Leo is coming to an end. @ 21:11hrs (9:11pm) AEST -10, Sydney, Australia, 11 August 2015, Jupiter will ingress into the image of the Virgin/Virgo.
This ingress will be of great significants for the divine Goddess of harvest.
Already we see the first plants grown and eaten in space. Some 365kms above the earth Astronauts Scott Kelly, Kjell Lindgren, and Kimiya Yui all munched on red romaine lettuce yesterday afternoon,  this produce was grown on the International Space Station. It was the first time people have eaten food cultivated in space.

Jupiter's ingress will be witnessed by the royal watcher of the North. A powerful forceful and dynamic triple star. Places of worship around the globe, no matter the faith, will be venerated. Like a procession military tribunal, those who have committed unvirtuous acts will be Justly dealt with. Church and state.

 Attention to detail. While some may suggest, not to get overly fussed with detail. For me, who has a Mercury/Jupiter partile conjunction in Virgo, it's hard not to. I have one phase for Jupiter in Virgo - Mundane to the Divine. Add Mercury and you sacred, secrete Celestial angelic knowledge transmitted.
Copyright - Gregory Clare

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