In my lectures I've drawn attention to: What some may have not noticed is since Dec 15th 2021, a ‘Kala Sarpa' Yoga has been present. This Yoga exists even with the transpersonal outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) usually not included in Vedic work. (I'm using Tropic the Zodiac-doesn’t matter you can use 'Lahiri' same result.)
What is interesting is that this Yoga which has all the planets wedged between the Nodes (Rahu North & Ketu South) started with Mars co-joined to the South Node -Ketu, the Dragons Tail.
Now this Yoga will end briefly on April 23, with Mercury co-joined to the North Node at 22degrees Taurus (as Mercury retrogrades back past the Node and Yoga starts again until the Sun conjunction the Node at 22 Taurus) -I've been banging on about this degree for years now and it has arrived. On April 4th the Yoga takes an inauspicious nature as Mars co-joins Saturn at 22 Aquarius and squares the Nodes. The Lord of the South Node is Mars, so we call this the 'Bending of the Node' or the 'Cross Roads' for the collective!
Here's where it gets caught in the Past -the May 2,000 Great conjunction Jupiter/Saturn was 22 Taurus, and Uranus was at 22 Aquarius, so folks we the Opening square - 2000y and the closing square 2022. Nothing works alone in Astronomy/Astrology.
There is much more to all this-‘Cyclic journey’
The past is tied to Ketu and with Mars driving this we are reminded!
Mars action is to ‘Divide’. If we look at this chart 15 Dec 2021, you will notice that Mercury is Outer bounds,(declination in Pink) which kind of suggest a maverick Mercury, additionally notice in the 'Stations' that Mercury Stationed at 10 Aquarius.
The degree of Saturn, Mercury’s key word is ‘Contestation’ and Saturn Isolation and Failure to Notice.
If we add to this the Mercury station we notice the Gemini Moon (Mercury Station chart 2022) is applying to oppose Mars and that 22 Sag Mars is opposed to the USA natal Mars. The thread is weaved through time and it would take me hours to join all the dots. Hope this helps a bit, additionally Putin’s chart has his natal Moon at 2 Gemini (opposed) to the same degree the Mars Node Kala Sarpa commenced at and his natal Mars is 26 Sag, so yes the thread runs deep.
All rights reserved
Gregory Clare
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