Saturday, September 28, 2013

Perseverance – a new Ego waits!

On October 5th 2013, The New Moon will bring many new challenges....Are you prepared to negotiate?? Do you have any hidden inhibitions...well if you do.... then you may need to learn new ways to intellectualise your communication with others for the common good of all.
Here in Australia we will be ask to step-up and face our deepest demons, sink or swim, but don’t cross the river if you can’t swim the tide! Climb the rope to see what’s over the other side.
Ask a friend if they can assist, by joining in the collective, common social good, the ferryman will arrive, but make sure you have a coin to pay for the ride.
Sudden and unexpected events may rock us at our very core!! By uniting as a collective we can rise above and emerge from the darkest cannon. It’s only when we discover the beauty within, which allows the Stars to shine bright.
Physical emotional stress coupled with irritability may cloud your inner most thoughts, be prepared to surrender amidst the rebellion within!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Australian Election 2013

New Moon September 5th 2013
The New Moon on the eve of the Australian election is not promising for the incumbent government.
Saturn lord of the 10th is placed in the 7th house, this  is expressed as a setting or sinking place. It is where the wondering Stars are seen to disappear into the abyss.
 Mars in Leo is conjunct the IC (4th House) and is the lord of Saturn in Scorpio. The Fiery Warrior is in an applying square to Saturn, suggesting hostile feelings and something is not quite right here. Saturn receives Mars into Scorpio but Leo/Mars is not receptive with it hospitality. The 4th house shows all opposition Parties and is ruled by the Sun.
The Sun is in the 5th house of good fortune along with the lord Mercury. However while Mercury is strong it is in a state of lying concealed, which says it has something to hide. The 5th house is the Senate and the 11th is house of Representatives, With the Sun/Moon/Mercury conjunction falling in the 5th suggest a strong union formed, but not without some hidden agreement. This seems to be backup by the application of this lunation applying sextile to Jupiter, which is lord of the 11th. This suggest and strong Lower and Upper house formed by a coalition. There is one troubling aspect of this lunation on the eve of the election and that is the placement of Mars co-joined to IC. This is a strong indication that whatever is entered into will not last.
Trouble is on the Nadia, some divisive conflict-ridden actions are at play within all opposition Parties and the Sword will be shown in a loud manner, as a Hot iron is at the door way to consciousness. Repressive action with regards to the 9th house affairs are indicated as Saturn rules the 9th, aspect to retrograde Pluto, who is conjoined to the fixed star Facies. The star is a Nebula in the Archer’s Face, causing defective sight. This suggests that flawed of imperfect dialogue making with regards to the 9th, as this house is responsible for the Laws the government makes.
Gregory Clare©