The Titan rises; from the secrets of antiquity, the day of Saturn and the Hour of Saturn, Kronos.
Ouranos born from Chaos-Uranus the Sky god and father of Saturn; Ananke- Inevitability, Inexorableness, we have all felt this Human emotion, ‘Fairness’, however we have experienced fairness there is an ‘inevitability’- going to the end of the line!
Power vs. Structure, Saturn does not award generosity, but is an upholder of the Law. The Sun is seen as the Leader and as such struggles with holding the Power over Law.
On November 28th, 2020, Washington, DC @ 19:35:57hrs EST +5:00hrs Neptune/Poseidon will Station Direct, the veil will be lift!
So what’s this all alluding to: The Lot of ‘Nemesis’; the myth concerning Nemesis is that of Narcissus. He was a young man who was very arrogant and disdained those who loved him. Nemesis led him to a pool, where he saw his reflection and fell in love with it. Unable to abandon his reflection, he died there.
On the exact time and date Neptune Stations mentioned above the Lot of Nemesis will fall upon the US Sibley Sun at 13° degrees Cancer.
My previous FB post alluding to the looming November 30, Full Moon Appulse Lunar eclipse will enlarge this message above. A note of concern; 08° Gemini has witnessed surprise on a calamitous scale, as the past lays testimony to.
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Gregory Clare