Sunday, March 15, 2020

Saturn is rising on its ingress;

The buzz word this week is ‘Social isolation’, social Jupiter, who is very depressed (Fall) is meet by an excited Mars (exalted), who knocks head-on into Pluto, this excitement may become excessive.

Additionally if it feels like you’re sitting on the precipice then you might be right. Social isolation ‘Saturn” is on the sea cliff-29°25´Capricorn. 

Remember December 22, 2017, Cardinal Capricorn Solstice, well Saturn ingress was conjunct the Sun, so some 2.5 years later now Saturn makes his first appearance into the ‘Cup Bearer’ Air sign Aquarius on March 22. 

This is a special ‘Event’ the chart for Mundane Collective world affairs set for the ‘Prime Meridian’ Greenwich, UK, is something very inauspicious to say the least!  

 Saturn is rising on its ingress; being carried away in diurnal motion is Jupiter, Mars and Pluto into the house of the inauspicious spirits’. Mercury in depression (Fall) is on the march again in Pisces with the transiting Moon carrying his/her light to Neptune. 

The Dragon I spoke off months ago has been awoken-Mars joins Saturn on March 31st as the Cancer Moon passes the Dragon Head, Rahu and the Lot of Spirit is found mingling in the Dragons cave - Ketu.

All rights reserved Gregory Clare