Tuesday, August 23, 2016

"The Searchlight of the Night"

A Golden ray sinking into the Abyss.

 A unique & distinctive magic is being shared with us over the coming weeks . The astrological illumination of these exceptional events goes to the Heart of the emblematic language. 

And the witness  to this allegorical enchanting engagement is "Mercury" -aka, Hermes.  It's like a ancient fable playing on our screen right now!

The two beneficial planets of the pantheon are transiting the Hermes exalted home of the Virgin image Virgo - 

One, the solar giant - Jupiter (aka) Zeus, the Other "Fair Maiden" of the Lunar order, Venus, (aka) Aphrodite.

These gods of advantageous bountiful temperament are being escorted through the fields of wheat by the nymph of  illusion & artifice - Mercury.

Mercury is currently advisor to the Guru, rising above the lord of giving to an extraordinary height in our western sky.

Mercury reaches 27 degrees of eastern elongation to the Sun & is almost perpendicular to the horizon due to its angular orbital declination. If every there is a time to look to the heavens to catch the playful trickster, do it now. 

But! Before the planet leaves home, Mercury station on the August, 30,  reluctant to go he awaits the "Fair Maiden", Venus.
However she is being "wooed" by the Guru, on the 26, 27, 28 of August, the Golden searchlight will be most impressive, sinking into the unknown, with what promises to be a truly "Magical" sight to behold. 

On August 29, "The Thrice Golden" Jupiter/Venus/Mercury,  will descend slowly into the nocturnal world of Dreams.

You see,  as the trio sink into western pivot the Golden Rays of Ra will illuminate them just moments from entry into the underworld. I've seen this before and it is truly worth experiencing. "Wish upon the moment, and who knows what might happen"

In the following days Venus departs the Virgin to transit her home of the Scales -Libra.

Mercury now turns backward and retraces his path, and in doing so he encounters Jupiter , as he departs he's 12 month stay in the Virgin, to join Venus in Libra.

Now! while all this is happening, don't forget the other side of this "Fairy Tale", "The big bad wolf-s", their up to no good. 

The Malefic bad guys of sky are having their own gathering in the Archer, Sagittarius. As I write this epic tale the pair are cohort under the watchful Eye of the Scorpion.

The General of this grouping the Royal watcher, red supergiant Antares is scorching the pathway to the retreat.

On Sept 1, the Moon steps into the cohort and dims the Golden Light, Annular Solar eclipse 19 North, imparts its wayward fate upon the Earth.

What's good about this special New Moon event; as mentioned August 28/29/30 is a splendour sight to behold, well don't go home, the show is not over! With no light from the Moon the show will be all night long.!!!

At the Hour of Midnight under the "tolling of the Bells" the two bag guys will fall into the same abyss, along with the Scorpion. SO folks if you ever wanted to go to the "Real theatre" to see what & where our ancients ancestor got their dreams from, then don't miss this show.

And as saying goes -  the best shows are Free. The cost to you is - just turn up. Oh and hope the gods part (clear) the sky!

All rights reserved - copyright - Gregory Clare

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