Saturday, May 7, 2016

Oh! Heaven's, Quicksilver!

Mercury the messenger of Ra enters the final stage of its "Alchemical" transformation. 

On Monday 9th May, 2016, between 14:57hrs, and15:11:37hrs, GMT -00:00, Greenwich, UK; The messenger will enter the HOT zone.

 Mercury's transit between Earth and Sun will see the planet cross the Heart of the Sun, (Cazimi). This very rare event marks a point in Mercury's very eccentric orbit. The transit across the Sun commences @ 11:12hrs, GMT, and finishes @ 18:42hrs GMT.

Mercury will enter 00:00 latitude as projected onto the ecliptic. This means the planet will be at its Central Node point, North and South Node intersection. Mercury's ascending node is 19 degrees Taurus, and the descending node is 20 degrees Taurus.

This is very significant; WHY? Mars has an ascending node at 19 degrees Taurus. The astronomical - astrological cosmic expression of this is a node conjunction.

The joining of the two planetary node's will manifest as Mercury/Mars encounters. This embodiment will vary with regards to gender, for feminine encounters it may mark the  entry or re-entry of male persons or activate or re-activate powerful thoughts. 

And for masculine encounters it may mark the entry or re-entry of  conflicts or power struggles or contestations. These contestations will have a quickening and excitability attached to them.

It is a time to re-remember, think before acting. Powerful achievement can come from this encounter, however "Stillness" is the moment, although, quickness will be the "Force".

The planet moves from a representative of the Solar team to join the Lunar team. However the planet does not behave as the other planets do with regards to Sect allotment. Because it will now begin a new phase of rising diurnally behind the Sun, which is described as Vespertine - of, relating to, or occurring in the evening: "stillness" opposed to "Action".

Mercury's orbital eccentricity see's the planet cross the face of the Sun on the ecliptic every 7.4 years. However like Venus (the other inferior planet), Mercury's transits across the face of Ra occurs in clump's.

Another peculiarity astronomically is that the planetary node meetings between Mercury and Ra only happen in May or November. Since its orbital inclination is tilted at 7degrees relative to the Earth, only once every 23 times Mercury's passing between the Sun and the Earth eventuates to a transit. The last encounter occurred in November 8, 2006. 

NOW here's the spooky part - the well oiled cosmic wheel makes for some strange theatrical production; on November 8th, 2006, the Moon on this transit was also in the same degree of Gemini. 

I mention this as Mercury is the lord of Gemini. And with regards to the events happening in the world - Gemini's are in the spotlight.
There is much, much more to this "Transit -Event", but for now that's my story thus far.
All rights reserved - copyright, Gregory Clare - © ®

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