Saturday, May 21, 2016

Restlessness -arousal and impulsiveness - Moon Mars

Restlessness  -arousal and impulsiveness
Tensions on the rise, again! Emotive outbursts may be part of this looming full moon.

U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) reported on Wednesday May 18, 2016, two mainland Chinese tactical aircraft intercepted an American reconnaissance plane in an "unsafe" manner.

China's external affairs agency spokesman Hong Lei said on Thursday the description was "untrue."

Two Chinese J-11 fighter aircraft pursued a U.S. EP-3 reconnaissance plan as it "flew close" to the island province of Hainan, he said, but kept "a safe distance" and did not make "dangerous moves." 

China reported the U.S. flights were a "severe threat" to Chinese security, calling for Washington to stop them immediately. 

Transiting Jupiter on the move. After 121 days of reflections the guru is once again taking control.

Zeus is attending to matters that were unresolved during his leisure time. Justice is number one on the list. Coupled with Mercury - Mercury/Jupiter - Court of Arbitration -Contestation relating to matters of Justice, Fairness, Righteousness, Integrity, Injustice.

China has an interest in the Earth affairs of this "Year of the Fire Monkey". Mercury the lord of China's natal Saturn and MC, makes three retrogrades in the earth signs Aquarius/Capricorn - Taurus -and Virgo) in 2016. 

On January 5, 2016 Mercury first Stationed RX at 1 degrees Aquarius, this station was on China's natal Moon forth house(land). RX Mercury then moved back through Capricorn. Around the same time Jupiter Stationed and retrograded for 121 days at 23 Virgo, and on May 9th 2016, Jupiter Stationed Direct at 13 Virgo.

 Why is this important?
China has natal Saturn at 13 Virgo, natal Jupiter at 23 Capricorn and natal Descendant, 24 Taurus.

So at present transiting Jupiter is co-joined to China's natal Saturn - 13 Virgo, conjunct the MC - 7 Virgo, of the Zhisui Li chart (10:13am - Oct 1, 1949 -copyright Gregory Clare Mountain Astrologer Dec, 2012/13).

Jupiter/Saturn in Virgo may create emotive nervousness and a lack of patience and contestation over possessions. Add to this transiting Mercury - Mercury Stationed RX at 23 Taurus, on April 28, 2016. Mercury is on this full Moon May 21/22, 2016, Stationing DR at 14, Taurus.

Furthermore on August 30, 2016, Mercury will Station RX at 29 Virgo, and will travel backwards through Virgo and Station DR on Sept, 22, 2016 at 14 Virgo. 

This is an astronomical cosmic dance highlighting China's natal Saturn and Jupiter. The consequences of this prominence of Earth is an accent on the 7 house matters, astrologically reflected through communication with Others, and seen through the Eyes of the natal MC, the World illumination!

All rights reserved, Gregory Clare -copyright

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