Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shifting the Spindle Jupiter, Sagittarus

Shifting the Spindle -
The Three Fates and "Times of Change"

The fabric of 'Time' is shifting, 

Zeus (AKA) Jupiter Lord of the Sky, holder of the Lighting Rod is arriving home. Jupiter has been on a 12 year journey around the 'Circle' and is finally coming home.

Having traversed  through the finally labour, visiting his brother Hades and the  River of Lethe, Zeus is emerging through Gates of Hades.

On November 8th 2018,not long after Mid Day -12:38hr GMT (MC) Greenwich, London, Jupiter will Ingress into Sagittarius, Arrow of the Archer. The Double bodied Sagittarius in Greek mythology is usually identified as a centaur, half human, half horse, posed looking upward ready to shoot the Arrow. 

This is an auspicious day as Jupiter is rising surrounded by his many Moons and with the Egyptian God of Justices -Matt, the Arabic name: The North Scale- Zubeneschamli rising.

 However Zeus is weary from his travels and will not fully take on his duties until he undergoes a purification ceremony with the eternal Light (Helios) on November 26th 2018.

During this process of rebirth Zeus will be reborn and come out holding a full charged and renewed Lighting Rod and as a Solar Helical Star those who have transgressed the Scales of Justices will answer to his Rod.

Additionally this momentous shift will also witness the Dragons of Fate ' Lunar Nodes' on the Eve of 'Time' November 7th, 2018, slip backwards on to the Cardinal Axis. The Jester (AKA) Hermes-Mercury who is conjunct none other than the Scorpions Light 'Antares' on the same day is announcing the coming 'Change'.

Watch Tower alert - The Light House is a warning sign for Sea seafaring marina's, ship wrecks on sunken land -Moon  and Saturn lords of the Lunar Nodes. 

Advise to all mariners, make sure you have your life jacket handy, cause your captain may be asleep at the wheel and be awakened suddenly by crashing waves as the Rocks appear from the submerged waters.
All rights reserved.
Gregory Clare

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