Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time to share! Forget about me & think Others?

The Aquarius full moon is about Other’s! This a time to share, Saturn the Traditional Lord and Uranus the Modern caretaker are diametrically opposing each Other.

Both have a common association with Aquarius and both are in contact with the Sun and Moon in this lunation phase. So seize upon the moment and find constructive inspirational ways to deal with your partnerships.

Now’s’ the Time to take the opportunity to share in a common goal as Hermes (Mercury) is also giving you the chance to discover and inspire as he/she is in direct opposition to Neptune.

Let the imagination run wild!

A little caution though is warranted as Neptune can lead you into the fantasy fields.

Hermes is also in contact with the Royal fixed Star Regulus and is in opposition to Chiron.

So what could be a better Time! Take him/her by the hand and engage in an introspective dialogue, listen as the Water Pourer shares the Air that is bubbling though the Water.

Here in Oz we can expect to see the mundane stage, Australia’s Political stage glow as this full moon is conjunct Australia’s MC in the Stoney chart. So we hear the sounds of collective calling!!!

One further observation is that the mundane chart which I use for China (15:01hr Oct 1, 1949) has this Full Mon on the ascendant and Moon. The planet that has the final say (dispositor) is Venus in Scorpio. Venus rules the fourth house of this chart and as mentioned is also the dispositor of the Moon. Rain, rain go away come back another day!

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